Friday, January 7, 2011

Life ShoutOuts

♥ Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.  - Buddha ♥

♥ Woke up this morning realizing that it's the simple acts of kindness that people do in life that really make a difference and sometimes that is more appreciated. ♥

♥ Take a lesson from the elephant. It lives to a ripe old age without ever worrying about its weight. ♥

♥ Today I learned that I am strong yet fragile , brave yet scared, alone yet surrounded, lost yet home.. Today I learned I am Human just like you. ♥

♥ I'm taking time to take a good hard look at herself and her life,find out what she has the control to change and the rest is going to let go and let god! ♥

♥ Life says YES and gives you what you want, It says NO and gives you something better and It says WAIT and gives you more than you could have ever dreamed of. ♥

♥ Don't live your life for "someday" or you will find yourself not enjoying today and having lost yesterdays. ♥

♥ sometimes making unreasonable and stupid decisions may be the solution to have a good life in the end... ♥

♥ Not all families are related by blood, they are related by feelings, caring, sharing, willing to step out of into a faith that you will be there for each other. ♥

♥ Life is too Short. Live a Fun Life. Sing Loud. Make a scene. Show everyone that you will not give up without a fight! I'm not gonna give up! ♥

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